How will I fund my new creative endeavors?

One of those endeavors is my third book "I will soon announce a new Indiegogo Campaign for ”Mnemophobia." The book is 50% complete and features images of men I've met during 40 years of street shooting. If you wish to reserve a copy, you can do so on the "prints" page.

Another endeavor is documenting a bus journey through the deep south. I've thought about doing it for years, and I'm not getting any younger.

All I need is money.

If I’m asking for money than I have to be open about what my situation is. For most of my life I didn’t think about money much. I’ve had some and lost some and had some again. Now I am on a fixed income. It pays for my essentials and that’s it. Whatever cashflow there is comes from the sale of books, prints, donations and, a future Patreon page.

I’ve created this website to publish my images and text in one place for the benefit of anyone so inclined to look at them.

So… if you have been following my photographic and writing journey and would like to support it, making a donation is one way.